Be part of the AATF-CT's Book Club!
Open and FREE for all active AATF members.
(Not a paid member for this calendar year? Click HERE.)
Join Laura Faga and Heidi Edel on Zoom to discuss
interesting books related to our craft.
This year's read:
"Proficiency Based Instruction"
by Catherine Ritz and Christina Toro.
(available on Amazon HERE)

Proficiency-Based Instruction: Input & Interaction in World Language Education will equip teachers of any language and of any level with specific, practical, and straightforward tools to bring input and interaction to life in the classroom. Teaching for proficiency is fun and engaging for both students and their teachers, and the practices that are found in proficiency-based classrooms are easily implemented with the right guidance.Proficiency-Based Instruction: Input & Interaction in World Language Education will give experienced teachers as well as those who are just beginning their career numerous resources to support your teaching. The book couples these resources with sample lessons from real teachers’ classrooms to make proficiency-based teaching a reality for you and your students!
Discussions on Zoom on Wednesdays:
Nov. 6th, Dec. 4th, Jan. 8th, Feb. 5th
Simply register in advance for the Zooms by clicking the box below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining each meeting.
by Kim Thúy
Common Ground: Second Language Acquisition Theory goes to the Classroom
by Florencia Henshaw and Maris Hawkins.
(Click HERE to purchase on Amazon.)