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The National French Contest is a wonderful way to bring recognition to your students and your French program!

The National French Contest/Le Grand Concours is an annual competition sponsored by the AATF.

Students  of French in grades 1-12, in all 50 states and abroad, take a multiple-choice test

and compete against students with similar educational backgrounds for prizes of medals, certificates, and more. 


Grades 1-6 participate in the FLES Contest.  Grades 7-12 participate in the Secondary Contest, Levels 01-5.


If you teach in an independent or private school, proceed as usual with registration.

If you are a CT public school teacher and plan to sign up for the online test, please ensure that you are in compliance with the CT Student Data Privacy Law by following these directions:

- For the online test, just order the quantity of tests you need for each level. Do not put student names on the order form. You will receive a list of generic names that are not identifiable (Student 12345, Student 22345, etc).

-When students take the test, they will use their auto-generated generic names, not their real names. If they do enter their actual names unintentionally, please contact Lisa Narug ( for help. 

- Please note that AATF National will not be collecting or housing any personal data of the students who are registered in this manner.

Prize Ceremony 

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Email Laura Faga

Directrice du Grand Concours for CT

Bon courage à tous et à toutes!

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