AATF CT Privacy Policy
As a local chapter of the AATF, the AATF Connecticut follows the AATF policy found HERE.
In addition, the AATF Connecticut's privacy policy includes the following:
• Photos/videos taken at AATF Connecticut events or related to AATF Connecticut activities may be used on the AATF Connecticut website and/or in social media, emails, or print materials. If you do not want photos/videos of you used by AATF Connecticut, please email info@aatfct.org prior to the start of the event.
• Teachers or other adult supervisors of minors who attend AATF Connecticut events are responsible for informing the AATF Connecticut via email at info@aatfct.org of any regulations, restrictions, etc. concerning the minors' privacy (ex: photos, recordings, etc.) prior to the start of the event.
Last updated September 7, 2019