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Ressources et contacts

pour notre communauté


Email president Jon Shee:

  • Facebook Social Icon
  • Twitter Social Icon

• LINK to local AATF events in Connecticut


LINK to AATF-CT Mentoring page (local French teachers helping other French teachers)

LINK to "Alors, on chante!" French singing competition

LINK to the AATF-CT Book Club

LINK to the "Valise d'activités" page

LINK to AATF CT Participant Information (for events, etc.)

LINK to AATF-CT Webinar Series archives

LINK to "Francophonie Nouvelle-Angleterre" - Calendar of French-related events

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Valise d'Activités Logo.jpg

LINK to AATF national website

LINK to French Teachers in the USA Facebook group - SUPER helpful and popular!

LINK to AATF French Advocacy Resource Bank

LINK to AATF Facebook page

LINK to AATF YouTube channel

LINK to AATF Commission pages on Technology • Teacher Recruitment & Retention •

           Advocacy • Cultural Competence • Cinema • Promotion • FiES • Middle Schools •

           High Schools • Universities • Specific Purposes • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

LINK to AATF National Francophone Culture Trivia Contest

LINK to AATF Exemplary French Program info

LINK to AATF Contests

LINK to AATF Awards and Grants for teachers and students

LINK to AATF Société Honoraire de Français (High School honor society)

LINK to AATF Jeunes Amis du Français (Middle School honor society)

LINK to AATF Store

LINK to AATF Future Leaders Fellowship Program

LINK to The French Review home page

LINK to The French Review Dossiers Pédagogiques

LINK to AATF Directory of Post-Secondary French Major/Minor Programs in the U.S. (2021)

LINK to CEA Connecticut job listings (Connecticut public schools)
LINK to CAIS job listings (Connecticut private schools)

LINK to CTReap (Connecticut public and private schools)

LINK to K12 Jobspot (nationwide public schools)

LINK to (job postings public and private, nationwide)
LINK to NAIS Career Center (national list of private school openings)

LINK to Carney Sandoe and Associates (private school placement agency)

LINK to Educator's Ally (private school placement agency)

LINK to iFprofs - Job posting board for French positions in the USA

LINK to NEMNET job listings (minority recruitment)

LINK to ACTFL Job Central

LINK to AATF National Teacher Recruitment & Retention resource pages

LINK to Teacher Certification Degrees, a comprehensive certification guide.


LINK to Jon Shee's "Why French is Awesome!" = helpful info sheet for students, parents,

            administration, etc., with stats/figures on the importance of French

LINK to AATF French Advocacy Resource Bank
LINK to AATF Advocacy Commission Facebook page

• LINK to the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US website (TONS of tools for

           teachers & learners)

LINK to Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie

LINK to TV5 Monde's library of hundreds of videos, transcriptions and fiches pédagogiques

LINK to TV5 Monde's trove of songs with lyrics and activities all prepared

LINK to TV5 Monde's Bibliothèque Numérique - Download hundreds of texts for free.

LINK to (current French music videos with lyrics and activities all prepared)

LINK to New York in French

LINK to Forums: Enseignants du primaire

LINK to Resources pour l'amélioration du français (Centre Collégial de Développement de

           Matériel Didactique)

LINK to Institut Français (outils et dispositifs de soutien pour le réseau culturel français dans

           le monde)

LINK to AATF Pinterest boards, thematically organized

LINK to AATF YouTube Playlists - also organized thematically. Most are K-12 geared.

LINK to IFProfs Groups - many helpful topics and tools

LINK to Google Photos: Albums Collaboratifs de l'AATF


NOTE: The AATF does not necessarily endorse any of the following; this is simply a bulletin-board-style posting space for interested entities.

LINK to teacher workshops at Dartmouth Rassias Center ("The Rassias Method")

LINK to Cannes International Campus (programs for students and teachers in Cannes)

LINK to "" = French teachers in France seeking correspondents.

LINK to École des Sorgues = summer programs for students in Provence

LINK to Institut Moulin - learn French in the South of France

LINK to IAU Study Abroad program (Aix-en-Provence)

LINK to Francophonia - formation professionnelle pour profs de français à Nice

AATF CT Comité Exécutif

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Jon Shee                       Melissa

Président                       Tubbs

St. Luke's School            Vice-Présidente

New Canaan                   E.O. Smith HS



Honore Radshaw         Evan Downey

Secrétaire                     Trésorier

Norwalk High School      St. Luke's School

(retired)                          New Canaan

Laura Faga

Directrice du Grand Concours (CT)

Lewis S. Mills H.S., Burlington

Heidi Edel

New Fairfield High School

Dr. Luke Eilderts

Southern CT State University

Kathleen Granger

Scotts Ridge MS, Ridgefield

Paul Kueffner

Cider Mill School, Wilton (retired)

Brigitte Lange

Amity High School (retired)

Moussa Ly

South Windsor Public Schools

Jacqueline Munk

North Haven Middle School (retired)

Liz Neger

Fairfield High School (retired)

Susan Sarrazin

St. Luke's School, New Canaan

Édouard Smith

Joel Barlow HS, Redding

Laura Longacre

Cheshire Academy, Cheshire

Ally Cianci

Rockville HS, Vernon

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LINK to CT-COLT  (Connecticut Organization of Language Teachers)

LINK to ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)

LINK to NECTFL (New England Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)

LINK to Modern Language Association

LINK to the Alliance Française of Northwestern CT

LINK to the Alliance Française of Greenwich CT

LINK to (French-related guest speakers, performers, etc.)

LINK to (French Embassy sponsored site)

LINK to The Society for French Studies (UK and Ireland)

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